1. Fill out the contact form, indicate your city of residence, age, profession, do you have children, search location, write us a few lines about your meeting wishes
2. After receiving your form we will contact you to set up a video meeting or a visit at our locations , we will get to know each other and see your wishes together, you will then be informed of the membership form that suits you
3. Your registration registered, payment made, we will begin the adventure together. An identity document is required to validate a collaboration.
1. Fill out the contact form, indicate your city of residence, age, profession, do you have children, search location, write us a few lines about your meeting wishes
2. After receiving your form we will contact you to set up a video meeting or at our locations , we will get to know each other and see your wishes together, you will then be informed of the membership form that suits you. Women can choose between a FREE membership (non-active search) or a paid membership with active search
3. Your registration registered, payment made if active membership, we will begin the adventure together. An identity document is required to validate a collaboration.